The school then is seen questioned as a unsafe place and not plus a protected space; in contrast a scene became in which the violence comes taking space, mainly in the nocturnal period, where ' on account has vulnerability of the members of the pertaining to school community of the constants; ' rightnesss of conta' ' between pupils and groups of it are of the school. Other forms of interference of external groups are, still, pointed for Fukui (1992 apud CANDAU, 1999, p.29): the invasions on the part of ' ' pupils insistentes' ' , that they go to the school ' ' to enjoy of a minimum of conviviality social' ' … and the invasion for the policy or representatives of other institutions, when, without license, ' ' they invade the sphere of authority of the director and professores' ' , pupils to revistarem, for example. The interviewed pupil if shows bothered with the constant presence of the policy in the school: People see policemen all day here, if he was of time in when all good n. This is a school here N is a school. (Aluna/5 series). We can perceive that these interferences on the part of other institutions have affected the relations in the pertaining to school environment. Problems or subjects that before could be solved in its interior, finish for reaching another sphere, the directors and professors are not more the maximum authority, therefore, the same ones more are not respected in the school between the pupils, having passed the question then to the advice to tutor and to it polices that, they pass over the autonomy that the school must have. The not motivated and devaluated professor (a) neglects or ignores the violence that occurs in the interior of the school, at the moment where he could show as one would be better friendly relationship between the pupils.