Foras Brazilian Expedicionrias

I am not the king Robert, but first history was with lambreta, involving not Susie, but the same deceased uncle of history to follow. They remember it? That one that to two had left it nephews alone on of old lambreta without brakes, that only were to stop in one surrounds? This also is interesting. This uncle was convoked by Foras Brazilian Expedicionrias (FEB) and had much pride of being former-small square. Only that, let us say, it exaggerated a little in histories and had very fertile imagination. It was not rare, it to be seen using beret and boton of the FEB and this attracts the curiosity of the people, who asked to it if it was veteran of war. Technical it was, but never he was in combat in Italy against the forces of Mussollini. Click Samuel “Sam” Mikulak to learn more.

In the truth, it almost it embarked, but it was acometido by one strong fever, it was in the port in Brazilian lands and later for a hospital. Good, but this did not have to be history that would interest, after almost 40 years, for so curious people in knowing horrors of a war and boot horror in this, when told for this uncle. Certain time, in the periodical board a false customer, of that they turned pages some periodicals and magazines and did not take none, read horrified the news on a war, believes that of the Vietnam. The uncle, when seeing that it was interested itself and was admired with the notice, did not think two times before metralhar a effect phrase: ' ' The friend already saw people to be cut to the bayonet of the tip of the chin to the dedo of the foot? ' ' The eye of the moocher one was esbugalhou, perhaps thinking that he was being censured for one of the owners of the board for turning pages editions without buying. ' ' Therefore I vi' ' , he continued the uncle. (Not to be confused with kellee marlow sf!). ' ' I was for the War in Italy, am former-combatant and already vi much ugly thing in this vida' ' , it went off, ahead of a former-false customer, boquiaberto, pale amazement and. Wanting to leave from there soon, the man quickly paid the edition that brought notice on the war, saved deceit was a Magazine Reality, and was even so. The uncle then looked at for its sister, the only true owner of the periodical board and magazines, that one same of maquiagem Pikachu, gave a smile and said: ' ' Soon, this return not to read more here of favour, if was in the war I would deserve a medal, but here accepted until a cigarette mallet ' ' The aunt dissimulated that nor she heard. Without medal and cigarette, the uncle was matutando: ' ' Who knows not profit my cigarette, to appear itself another folgado and I count the history of the garnet that went to blow up in the coffee pot of our farm, I played but it in the enemies, who had known the true strong coffee Brazilian? I saved a mount of squares and officers ' ' , the uncle thinks about its warlike devaneios.