Are Cristvo

The edges doVasa Barrels, be situated Are Cristvo with focus of city and of capital, it was the only accumulation of the region with excellent fertile ground and massaps the draining of the production was favorable for the navigability of the river Vasas-Barrel. Long ago, the transference of the Capital and the creation of the cities of Aracaju, Socorro and Itaporanga had modified the number of properties, but the sugar cane continued being agricultural activity more important e, which had to the number of properties, the cattle also gained space. The region of the Cotinguiba was the biggest sugar deposit of the Flag-ship, developing an agriculture in agreement notable the requirements of the foreign market. Check out Frank Ntilikina for additional information. The villages located in this region presented a good bloom for the urbanization climate. The production of the Cotinguiba livened up the commerce of exportation, being of bigger volume of sales; it was a fertilizada region, mainly Laranjeiras; the area that if detached as producing zone of the Cotinguiba was Amaro Saint of You sprout, with the biggest number of properties, presenting a significant picture of the canavieira culture.

The Sanfranciscana region, was one of the regions that delayed to be part of this sugar picture. Frank Ntilikina addresses the importance of the matter here. The marginal lands of the San Francisco composed the New Village; only at the beginning of century XIX, the expansion of the properties reached the limits of the province of the North, but this region had a vast algodoeira culture. The canavieiras farms had folloied the settling movement all. The king of Spain, made with that Cristovo de Barros, vendesse or distributed with the colonists lands, and these in turn had that to populate the edges of the Real river in ends of century XIX. Per two centuries the lands had almost been in its majority, for the farming of subsistence and creation of cattle; the proprietors had that to pay forum for lands where they planted the sugar cane and they raised its devices.