Auction House
“Thousands of offers with free shipping”, promotes eBay home page and reverse recommends seller, which once one learned the business. So also seller is eBay with introduction of the renovations to the rating system with clearly unfair, received, negative reviews of their customers on the new form of the product back promotion. The seller in the virtual auction house receives in his admin area the red card – failure to comply with the eBay principles – will be shown in dark red color on the screen. But sellers who make little revenue and mostly ignore the very one-sided set policies of the auction house, the comfort appears on eBay to quit. So also seller is eBay with introduction of the renovations to the rating system with clearly unfair, received, negative reviews of their customers on the new form of the product back promotion. The seller in the virtual auction house receives in his admin area the red card”- is in dark red color principles – non-compliance with the eBay on the screen displays. The auction house has set for sellers, according to own information, guidelines for sale on eBay.
This directive is not tangible but after intensive research of our content manager. She can not determine. It is carried out and runs for 30 days. eBay is its business policy. The seller also bears a smaller risk through lower listing fees than in the last year, but must follow eBay’s “Positive image”.
No cause for the complaint should be given to the customer. Sellers who are not intensively engaged in the many rules at the auction house, we put no value, it seems. Our content manager suspected that eBay with all his might his image would improve. Many sellers from the past, had hurt the auction house, seeing this one possibility, negative at an unsightly, obtained evaluation to evaluate against. Read also the first release on this topic: Internet auctions – eBay prohibits how negative customer reviews for sellers of 03.06.2008 one elegantly solves such problems, could be eBay when the auction house Yatego inform. Target group oriented built, with a functioning support to sellers, can be distinguished between the serious and the dishonest sellers. The auction house seems the negative reports about the action and buy on eBay, built up over years now going on. More resentment in the Internet users rely on PayPal and bring eBay also in connection but rather subordinate. At least the negative messages about PayPal to eBay rise by almost 30% after an art test of Google Alerts. Generally can be eBay, but happy. The outcry from the May 2008 seems to be cleared and to be the concept.