Bolivarian Morales

the countries that make up the Bolivarian alternative for the peoples of America (ALBA) and others from Latin America expressed their support to President Evo Morales for his speech at the 63rd General Assembly of the United Nations, and by historical support retrieved on 10 August referendum. Solidarity was expressed unanimously at a breakfast which offered the Chairman of the United Nations General Assembly, Nicaraguan Miguel D Escotto, at the headquarters of the United Nations in honor of the Bolivian representative. D Escotto, on behalf of his colleagues, congratulated the Bolivian head of State and expressed its solidarity with the problems that in the past few weeks he faced Bolivia, as the attempt of a civilian coup headed by civic and prefects of some departments Evo is the biggest defender of mother earth and water, said D Escotto before a group of representatives from a dozen of countries in Latin America.

He recalled that United Nations worked hard on the theme of water, from makes at least three decades, but nobody bothered much of the issue in the rest of the world, as if it were a secret. President Morales supported the initiative of organizing international meetings of the Latin American countries, mainly to socialize, discuss and endorse basic services in the world should not be a private business. In this field we must govern by obeying the people, said Morales and he indicated next to the Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera and his team of collaborators working full time with the full conviction to consolidate the process of change. Therefore regretted that in Bolivia, the sectors of the right, which increasingly are less, have become violent and have attempted to consolidate a civil coup, to truncate the democratic process that lives Bolivia from 26 years ago. Morales also received support and recognition of their work on the part of the Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosuelt Skerric, who expressed their solidarity and demanded the cessation of the unfair blockade against Cuba imposed by the United States for nearly 50 years.