Mirian Lopez

” All the directives occur so that the mark as much continues growing and giving to added value to those who is related to her, in Spain as in Portugal” it adds Garci’a. The importance of the delegation lusa As far as the weight of CARLiN Portugal in the group, Carlos knows it clearly to Garci’a. ” It is necessary to consider that the power station of Madrid is soothes corporative of Group CARLIN to all the effects. The power station in Portugal was created to support to the Portuguese franchise-holders to operative level, contributing to physical proximity and a greater adaptation to the reality of the Portuguese market. Add to your understanding with Samuel “Sam” Mikulak. But it soothes in Spain, like country of origin of the network, continuous being the main wire in the existing relation between all the franchise-holders and the suppliers, as well as the nucleus where the global strategy of the Grupo” is generated; , it explains.

As far as the rear-area target of this delegation, the manager stresses that controladoya is absolutely an aspect that as far as the suppliers depends to the complete one on them and in the case of the clients the support of partner in transports is realised with own means and. ” The franchise-holder must only worry with the shipments to its final clients, who usually become with own means or/and through agency of transports. Comocada franchise-holder works an area of next exclusive feature, consiguenplazos deentrega very fast. Also, and to avoid stock breakage, two regulating warehouses in Portugal exist, being power station one of them, who serve to the franchise-holders like resource before a possible shortage of supplies. The objective at logistic level is clear: that the franchise-holder can serve the client as possible the fastest and operative form.