Panorama Estate Omar Hajiyev

Many make the window sill in the table, sometimes attached to the hinged tabletop. However, we must bear in mind that this should be done fairly accurately. "By setting a wide window sills when installing windows, – says Sergey , a leading specialist company near Moscow," "- should provide ways their additional attachment, for example – or parts of the console. Otherwise, the design will not be strong enough. " "The window sill is put under the frame with a deep approach is not more than 1 cm in exceptional cases allowed to install it right next to the frame. Requires sealing of the joint design of the window sill with a white silicone sealant.

In this case, the edges must necessarily go into the wall by approximately 1.5 – 3.0 cm – Paul adds the Winds, a specialist group of companies propleks (Russia's largest producer of pvc window-profile of Austrian technologies). – Fixing of additional tabletops made to the windowsill on corners or console. " Enlarge the kitchen many are trying to and from the loggia. It should be done very carefully, observing the requirements of the legislation. "Association of loggias and balconies with interior spaces is illegal.

Glazing loggias and balconies, too, need to reconcile what many do not even know, "- says the managing partner of consulting firm Panorama Estate Omar Hajiyev. Compromise is the removal of windows and balcony doors while warming lodge. In this case the "outside" can set a small table. By the way, the fashionable choice for contemporary kitchens is becoming "restaurant" plan: instead of one large table in the room put two or three small, sometimes colored.