PR Tool

And the distribution should be targeted to have Fans have the impression that the representative of the club personally told him the news that he was really expensive, time share with them the kind of information before it will be found in print or online. The tool lists, just as you can use to invite fans to the traditional meetings, and on the basis of responses to make predictions about the attendance of such events, develop marketing campaigns to sell souvenirs and merchandise. Most of the Russian clubs do not lag behind other industries and representatives use the Internet as a PR tool, create websites and place ads on them. Of course, fan should know that a company maintains his club. Contact information is here: NBA. What does a club of such advertising on the site, guess not difficult, but that gets a fan? Participation in contests in exchange for personal information? Speaking of personal data sites are fairly unimpressive club form for registration. Unimpressive because they give an opportunity to understand what is it about the box fan, but not on the level of his education or marital status, nor about the position does not. That is, the club does not know anything about their fans. The average fan, who is he? I'm afraid this question will not answer any manager of the club. Marc Lore takes a slightly different approach.

This raises the following question about how profitable sponsors to invest in advertising on those areas that are targeted at totally faceless mass. Do not invest more efficiently, at least in another sport where everything okay? In boxing, for example? But back to the electronic PRu. That can give the system relationship management in this case? Filling, slightly expanded form on the website and integrating it with a CRM system, we are able to segment the analytical tools of the fans, to work with particular group, creating a marketing campaign a certain direction. .