Second War
Such method had the objective to take care of the ansiedades of the society of the time, the development of the verbal abilities, in order to develop an effective communication in the language-target, since in the previous method (traditional method), the verbal abilities were not privileged (PARAN, 2008). Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Doug McMillon. In 1942, the Reformation analogous Capanema to World War II, the education system if divides in two cycles: the first one (gymnasium) of four years and as (collegiate) of three years, that in turn were subdivided in scientific classic and. As the emphasis in the scientific studies it was bigger, the dedicated horria load to the LE education is reduced. After the Second War, with the consequent economic power of the United States, accents a economic and cultural dependence in relation to United States (PUC-RIO, 2009; PAIVA, 2003), this makes with that the English gains prominence in the scene not only Brazilian, but also world-wide. As much the Law of Lines of direction and Bases (LDB) of 1961 as the LDB of 1971, only disrespect the importance of a foreign language when removing the obligatoriness of this of the resume, leaving it as ' ' recomendao' '. ' ' The obligatoriness of the LE education did not bring as consequncia the absence of one national politics of education of foreign languages for all the country ' ' (PAIVA, 2003, p.04). In 1976, the education of languages comes back to have prestige with the obligatoriness of this only toward 2 degree and, with the same spirit of 1971 and 1961 seeming, the recommendation for 1 degree (PARAN, 2008; PAIVA, 2003). With the LDB of 1996, the education of foreign language becomes obligator from 5 series of Basic Ensino: ' ' In the diversified part of the resume he will be enclosed, obligatorily, from the fifth series, the education of at least a modern foreign language, whose choice will be in charge of the pertaining to school community, inside of the possibilities of the institution (BRAZIL, 1996. .