
Sneakers have always been! It's a bold statement at first glance it seems debatable. In fact, the assertion that the shoes in a broad sense have always been difficult to challenge, we are talking about running for devices that are created from available materials. Connect with other leaders such as Comedian here. A run was also always the case. Ancient people often had to catch up and run more often. They could not help but notice how vulnerable bare feet. At every step of waiting for danger in the form of sharp stones, Poisonous snakes and subtle bumps. To protect your feet, people used tree bark, animal skins, palm leaves. Ill poorly they managed to create something very remotely resembling a modern universal athletic shoes.

It is universal, ie an athletic shoe, which would be old enough for all occasions, when required to run, jump, climb the hill, climb trees, move gravity, and so on. Versatile shoes still exist. For tens of thousands of years, they, of course, have improved to such an extent that of conventional athletic shoes have become a complicated technique with mini- computer, a motor and cable system. Price of such devices seems fantastic, even compared with the best models of sport shoes from leading manufacturers. But it is – an extreme, which will not be saved in production of things, designed for a wide demand. Manufacturers of athletic shoes are often trying to catch two rabbits at once, or to sit on two chairs: to please the fashion trends in clothing and footwear for all and please at the same time needs professional athletes.

Creating new models, such as running shoes, they are more concerned about the steep appearance than functionality of a professional shoe for running. But the race has always been. And long been clear that the work stops during a run is not quite the way while walking. Human feet are divided into three groups according to the nature of the foot: giperpronatory (excessive flattening, joints in running overwork and lose their stability), gipopronatory (lack of flattening of the foot badly softening strain) and neutral pronator (the norm). For the latter type are suitable stabilizing shoe (stability), for the first – controls (control) jogging shoes – the most control pronation, the second – the neutral-absorbing (neutral) sports shoes, contributing to a more natural movement of the legs. To set up your group, you have to pass a simple 'Wet' test: take a sheet of construction paper, put it on the floor, soaking his bare feet, stand on a piece about half a minute, then get off the sheet and cut around the border of wet spots with a pencil. Most of the problems associated with nature of the arch, there is no case in the proper running technique – the athlete lands on the front of the foot, keeping the leg slightly bent at the knee joint. That is exactly what our ancestors have done for the simple reason that a child running around barefoot. Sports equipment