Family Life
What would be a good, happy family life may seem, over time, it presents a lot of tests. And at every stage of family life, marriage is going through various crises. Consider, what exactly are the years of crisis and that take to deal with them? 1st year of marriage at this stage a couple of relationships in crisis recognition. After a romantic rendezvous, stormy meeting of the partners idealize each other and forget about the fact that in everyday everyday life they have to deal with bad habits, different tastes and requirements. Survive a couple of the crisis depends on their maturity and serious approach to family life. To avert a crisis, it is necessary discuss the future family life even before the wedding: how to distribute responsibilities around the house, who has a budget when planning children, etc.
And do not quarrel with the first run to mom or dad to complain. Intervention parents family life of a young couple just complicate relations. Try to solve all the issues mutually, because the main component of family life do not e-love, and respect for each other and ability to compromise. Both of you are interested in to do everything to strengthen families, not for its destruction. Third year of family life on this, the couple faces a crisis of routine. As a rule, for three years already buys a pair of kid, and all their forces woman to send a child loses its former appeal, and the man suffers from restricted freedom of the lack of attention by the former wife, and change its appearance.
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After that, take time out and depart in an unknown direction. Approximately half an hour. During this time it is: a) the time to discover your absence, and b) reflect on the reasons for calling it in) begin to worry because of the fact that she still wore blue trousers, and not a green skirt a pity, because if she were in a skirt, you would certainly nailed the nails himself to a nearby chair … Here is the time you return to the scene. Lost and Found again, you will be especially dear to her, and she really try to do everything to you more is still here. Do not replay: Do not confuse a romantic courtship and lustful harassment. Dripping saliva on her tights and hot breath in my ear within five minutes after they met – it will work only if it is a very, very drunk.
Handsome In fact, a real chance to take advantage of this way has no more than 0.0001% of the population. Here he is shown only for completeness. What attracts: Everyone! The girls still do not have enough exposure to off his strong beautiful men in good suits. How to enter the image: A successful combination of genes, a good hairdresser, my dentist – and in your community can feel safe just blind. Not replay: And that, really handsome men never fail? Ironically, denied – and quite often. If a woman feels that her boyfriend and beautiful manicured than she is – she can cling to the last teeth a bar stool, because knows – this is not no good end.
People like you – every single one of narcissistic arrogant egoists. Show me what it is not. Mildew, for example, randomly from a glass on his shirt and shake off the drops from the maximum serene views. The resulting spot clean your reputation – it will realize that you, thankfully, not too serious to treat yourself. What attracts simple guy: He never dances. But like beer, sports and sit with the kids. Play pool and darts. He wears plaid shirt with a torn button and wide, comfortable jeans. Why is this simple type they like? Not least because he so clearly lacks ennobling female leadership. as seduce the girl in this manner: You must be in the company – preferably a male. During a friendly meal several times carefully look at the next table, where sits she – let your eyes notice. Then the game in the austere the same pool or darts for a couple of pair, pretend that you do not have a partner, and offered her a party. She can not play? Ok, you teach it. Girls love to spend the night in celebration of the big and strong men, which they are taught something. The main thing that she felt differently you hang out with my guys (hamovatye, in my own way, with rude jokes) and her (gently and with some embarrassment). It’s so razmyagchayusche acts on its heart and brain, which would certainly wish to give you a great holiday gift. And even the bind pink ribbon. Do not replay: When a girl looks at a sculpture Mukhina, she has nothing against the workers. He stylish suit, broad shoulders and he swings a hammer sexy. But the role of Farmer with her is not attractive. A pair of slaps on the rump, unassumingly proposal does not break, and sip a beer, direct, sincere burp – and from the sultry it turns into an icy woman.
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And then she begins to understand that which for "Fifteen" – is more expensive than it is: it smarter, prettier, more talented. By the way, she is "10", and yet there are girls on the "11" to "12", etc., is obtained simply by standing in queue. Standard situation – the one who wants it, it does not pay attention: the girl for him is very "cheap". And who does not need it, he sticks to it. The situation of life? Nothing new has been invented, it is. So if you have communicated with very expensive for you man, he understands it, so it has no obligation to call first to write sms-ki, to continue courtship. Whenever Ed Bastian listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Now, such an obligation from you. Of course, if there is interest.
3. To know more about this subject visit Marc Lore. Do not want to. Why Camel wool is not? Do not want to. Just a man. Many women are surprised by this, but other than sex among young people there is – business. They may be passionate about, for example, your business, friends, sports, hobbies, interesting new project.
If you do not more relevant all the above listed at the moment, you have to wonder why – no calls, no writing, missing. The answer – busy, can not, or rather, does not want to. 4. Do not see the results of their courtship. Guys love and beautiful inaccessible: So many girls think and create on the face mask of 'Do not get – kill'. Well, young people and not 'climb', and she, in fact, I want to focus communication.
As I Came Out Of Postpartum Depression
Now my little boy for a year and 11 months. It really is not talking, but nothing, because all the boys are lazy. We were perfectly aware of each other, walk and play. We live three: myself, son and husband. The time when I was released from the hospital, I remember with tears in his eyes. These were tears of happiness. a small lump, like a tanker, because the nurses dressed him in his cap, and wrinkled forehead.
This is ridiculous. Come home. Guests, parents and all pozdravlyayut.No the evening all had left. And that's the first day at home alone with malyshom.Kak care for a child? After all the days in the hospital I was lying apart from it. But nothing on the right. And change diapers and clean up the spout and feed. All is well.
Until next week stay at home not opened depression. At first I could not understand what it is. The child is asleep, and I was crying. I could not understand the cause of this crying, it feels good. Started having problems with her husband, which is mutual claim. I began to annoy my little synulya. Here it was postpartum depression. I came out of it uncredited some way. I started to get out! Yes, not so with a rag and a vacuum cleaner and began to disassemble the small lockers, which houses all sorts of veshchichek. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Doug McMillon. Understand all. Took up knitting. Yes and no zabyvpayte myself, because in any case can not pay attention to your mind, take care of hair, face. Engage in post-natal exercises. Just do not overdo it, because excessive sports in milk released a substance that alters its taste. Yes, I myself did not see how that postpartum depression has receded. The most important thing to find something for everyone. Be happy and do not let any depression ruin your life.