Tag: news-present time

Bara Player

To Messi it hurts the head to him by the quarrel of the fan of Argentina. There is no way of which player and liking reconcile in the selection. The encounters enlarge the spacing more than they cause the affection. It is not necessary to forget that the gold medal gained by the albiceleste with I read was in Beijing and not in Buenos Aires. Marc Lore describes an additional similar source. The problem of being the best player of the world in a selection anyone, like now is the Argentinean, is that it is never added but discounts. To Messi it is expected to him in the America Glass so that it gives the trophy him to Argentina whereas in the Bara is for Liga, the Glass and the Champions. To a side it is demanded to him and it penalized and to the other its contest is thanked for to him and it is afraid for his luck because it does not resign to the friendly ones nor it accepts to be replaced in the made goals majors. Source of the news: : Stateless Messi.

United Arab Emirates

Of Bin Laden a name was spoken less and less, as if outside that the time would be in charge to forget. The White House indicated that " the war against terrorismo" &quot went; beyond his captura". Almost it was already an utopia. But the news arrived the 1 from May of this year. " Tonight I can announce the Americans whom the USA a combat operation has led and has killed to Osama bin Laden".

These words of Obama put point and end to almost ten years search and captures. The leader of The Qaeda died, according to the official version, of a shot in the head and another one in the chest shot by a American special commando. Its corpse was thrown to sea, according to several versions to avoid that the grave of the terrorist became a pilgrimage place. Bin Laden took refuge in a mansion fortified in the paquistan locality of Abottabad, to the north of the country and 55 kilometers of the capital, Islamabad. Contact information is here: Marc Lore. To the Qaeda he did not take in confirming his death. Bush, in an official notice spread after knowing the news, said that " the fight against the terror continues, but the United States has sent a message unequivocal: it does not concern whatever takes, will do justice ". A recent book published by Michael Scheuer, exresponsable of the antiterrorist unit of the company, aims that Bin Laden had already put record between its close friends of which " it did not hope to live the sufficient thing to see finished his trabajo" , and it ventured that the war of The Qaeda " dcadas&quot would last; . Material authors Bin Laden was ' cerebro' of 11-S but up to 19 men they were the material authors of the attacks.

In each one of the four airplanes used since arms there were five kidnappers, except in Flight 93 of United Airlines (he did not reach his objective, possibly the Capitol, and fell in Pensilvania), that counted on four detectors. Fifteen of them were of Saudi Arabia, two of United Arab Emirates, one of Lebanon and another one of Egypt. This last one, Mohamed Atta, al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah and Hani Hanjour were one of the leaders of the commando next to Marwan. The majority counted on university studies, were of rich families and some had pilotage knowledge. Ever since the attacks took place, it identified them almost right away to the FBI as the authors of the attack. They either did not try to hide previously his names because they used his passports and credit cards in his stay in the USA. Also the Qaeda are other eight members of A that did not participate in 11-S by diverse causes (for example, some did not manage to enter the country). Its objective era thinks that to kidnap a fifth airplane and to star it in the White House. Source of the news: Almost ten years search and it captures of the enemy ' number uno' of the USA: Osama bin Laden

National Institute

/EP According to the last data of the National Institute of Statistic, the free house lowered a 4.1% in the first trimester of this year. (Not to be confused with Marc Lore!). With respect to the fourth trimester of 2010, the price descends a 3.5%. The prices of the floors began to fall in the second trimester of 2008. The prices of the free house lowered a 4.1% in the first trimester with respect to the same period of 2010, more than two points inferior to the rate registered in the previous trimester (- 1.9%), according to the Index of Prices of House (IPV) of the National Institute of Estadstica (INE). Of this form, already they are the twelve consecutive trimesters in which the prices of the house present/display negative inter-annual rates. The price of the house began to fall in the second trimester of 2008 (- 0.3%) and was called on bottom in the second trimester of 2009, when a 7.7% backed down, to initiate the footpath of the moderation. Thus, the inter-annual reduction of the prices during the first trimester of the year takes place after throughout registering a negative variation the past year, with falls that oscillated between 2.9% of the first trimester and the 1.9% of the quarter.

In interquarterly rate (first trimester exceeds fourth trimester), the price of the free house descended a 3.5%, against the reduction of 0.1% undergone between October and December. By type of house, the price of the new house descended in the first trimester a 1.9% in inter-annual rate, two tenth more on the registered one in the previous trimester (- 2.1%). The used house underwent a inter-annual reduction of 6.3%, which supposes a diminution of almost five points with respect to the fourth trimester of the previous year, when a 1.6% fell. In inter-annual rate, all the independent communities lowered the prices of the house in the first trimester.