Tegola Installation
Low thermal conductivity prevents condensation "inside out", but due to gaps between the groove locks tiling as it "breathes". In Ukraine, the tile is popular German company Braas, fine proven products Tondach (Czech Republic), Benders (Sweden) Wiekor, Creaton, (Germany) and products of other manufacturers. Every year more and more popular is shingles. To her advantage is that the excellent sound insulation, small deviation in the regeneration of the roof with a complex architectural form, a great variety of colors, shades and forms of shingles, as well as ease of installation. Samuel “Sam” Mikulak may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The domestic market shingles supply companies such as "TekhnoNIKOL" Avista "Akvaizol", "Diana, Tegola. Each of the roofing materials in their own interest, but to this day one of the problems is that the installation of the roof was common for untrained professionals therefore discredited in the eyes of consumers the material itself.
Therefore, the leading brand-name companies such as Braas, Avista", "TekhnoNIKOL", "WPK" and others are forced to deal with personnel issues: training of installers all intricacies of their products. For consumers, plus – on the roof built by professionals available long-term guarantees. What else, besides training of installers, the developer should take care when erection of the roof? Having defined the choice of roofing material, you must choose the option of drainage system, which includes chutes, hoppers, brackets, clamps and other items. Without it, the first shower thoroughly stained the house "reputation." Manufacture of drainage systems, as a rule, manufacturers are engaged in roofing materials. They can also buy so-called additional elements: skating, edges, valleys, and other "little things" that affect the quality of the roof, no less than the base material, so as to protect the roof in the most vulnerable places. Sophisticated and accurate installation of additional elements – a sign of professionalism roofers, he manifests itself even in the selection of fasteners. For example, if the installation of copper roofs using steel nails, then later contact between two metal leads to corrosion and negate the main advantages of an elite roof – impermeability and durability. We can say that for the roof detail does not exist.