The Museum as a Process

Andres Desvalles Summary of: Patrician Moura Special Pupil of the Mestrado in Museologia & Patrimony the texts selected for this comparative study are of authorship of two operating professionals in the area of Museums, with diverse works developed for the main entities of studies of the phenomenon Museum, as the ICOM, ICOFOM, COFEM, beyond its academic activities in its countries. Leaving of the text of Desvalles, mainly factual, the author initiates its work identifying the word ‘ ‘ Museologia’ ‘ in diverse languages, as well as its meaning initial ‘ ‘ everything what museu’ is relative; ‘. In 1926 with the creation of the OIM, it is started to think the Museologia and the Museografia to it, but from 1946 it only passed to be understood as ‘ ‘ the Science of the Museus’ ‘. Dating events more current as the creation of a school of Museologia in France still in 1929 (in Brazil this occurs in 1932 thanks to the efforts of Gustavo Barroso) and of the evolution of the area by means of of to think museolgico stimulated for philosophers Czechs, Russians and to follow with the contribution of other icons of the Museolgica Theory points out the creation of the International Entities as the ICOM that from 1946, congregates muselogos of all the parts of the world in an effort to study the phenomenon Museum. In 1963 in the woollen Dicionaire Langue (Robert) she is described as ‘ ‘ Science, techniques that contribute for the conservation, classification and presentation of the workmanships, of objects in museus’ ‘ (trad.

Scanapieco-2011), ignoring the definitions of G.H. Rivire (1958) of Museologia (science that has for goal to study the mission and organization of the museums) and Museografia (joint of techniques in relation with the Museologia). In 1975 with Germain Bazin the thought of Rivire returns, added of the study of the history of the museums, proposal for Bazin- very diverse thought of that it conducted the teachings of the Museologia in the Louvre, where the area if only restricted to the historical study of collections and its management.